Between the Hoodoos - Bryce National Park
Mt Whitney - Whitney Portal, California
Alabama Hills - Lone Pine
Smoke laden skies - amid forest fires of California
'37 Chev - Bodie State Park, California
Stone pillars - Following an eruption, snow and water percolated with ash, pumice and minerals to form these stone pillars at Crowley Lake.
Social distancing - Dixie National Forest, Utah
The Gossips - Arches National Park
Guardian Angels - Kolob Terrace - Zion National Park
Grapevine Wash
Lucy Brook - Little pools and eddies as Lucy Brook flows into Diana’s Pools
Sabbaday falls - New Hampshire
Mallard Lake - Manila, Arkansas
Manila Sunrise - Mallard Lake, Manila, Arkansas
Dixie dew - Grasses at White Rock capturing and reflecting the early morning light
Canyonlands - The place that I love the most, the sight and sound, the mood and the feeling. Needles is a place that connects with me in so many different ways.
Grosvenor Arch - Utah
Buckskin Gulch - The worlds longest slot canyon, carved by nature with proof of the power of water.
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